New “Elixir” Claims Success in Treating Cocaine Addiction

Author: addiction

NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkaw said, “The results of this study represent a promising step toward an effective medical treatment for cocaine addiction.”
Many experienced drug rehab professionals are not so enthused about the prospect of a new wonder drug that will treat cocaine addiction with any success. “It is just history repeating itself in regard to drug addiction,” said Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor for the Narconon Arrowhead residential drug rehabilitation program, Rebecca Pool, C.A.D.C.. “In the 1800’s heroin was invented and promoted to treat morphine and opium addiction. Morphine addicts became heroin addicts. Methadone, developed by the Nazi’s during World War II, was promoted as a cure to treat heroin addiction in the early 1970’s. Subsequently heroin addicts became methadone addicts. Then came suboxone to treat methadone addiction leading to methadone users getting hooked on suboxone and so the story goes. Developing new drugs to treat drug addiction has not worked, history tells us that.”

It is well known that a large portion of the addiction treatment industry has settled on substitute medications as a means to prevent addicts from falling back into their unhealthy lifestyle. According to Narconon’s Pool, “The problem with this approach is that it does not help the individual discover and deal with the initial problems that lead them in the direction of drug addiction in the first place. Here at Narconon we have found that the solution to solving addiction is to help the person rehabilitate themselves as opposed to ‘treating’the symptoms of drug addiction for an indefinite and ongoing period of time.”

The Narconon Arrowhead rehabilitation program uses a thorough detoxification program followed by counseling and life skills training to bring about recovery from addiction. One drug is not replaced by another so when a person completes the program they are completely drug-free. The length of the program varies from person to person but on average takes three to five months. Seventy percent of Narconon program graduates go on to live drug-free lives.

If someone you know is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and you want to help them achieve lasting recovery, call Narconon Arrowhead today. Call Narconon at 1-800-468-6933 for free addiction counseling, referral and free assessment of visit us at our website

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One of the largest and most successful drug rehabs in the world.

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